May 19, 2012
Sermon Outline
Green Valley is pleased to have Steve Paine as our speaker this morning. Steve is a Compliance Training Manager at Intuitive Surgical. He attended San Jose State University (many, many years ago) and has 25 years of professional experience in training and training program development. In his free time, he enjoys movies, bowling, model building and painting. Steve is one of the members of GVCC’s pulpit team and we look forward to hearing what God will be teaching us today through Steve’s preaching.
What’s going on at GVCC starting at 9:00 am? Come and find out. There’s no agenda, just a time to enjoy the company of others. Spend some time in conversation with people you only get to say “Hi” to during the greeting time. If you missed out this morning, be sure to come earlier next Sunday.

GVCC provides prayer support for you and your loved ones. Leave a recorded message on our prayer line (792-0809) 24 hours a day. Your requests, held in strictest confidence, will be passed on to our Heavenly Father by a couple of dozen intercessors. Prayer changes things; it really does. Try it and see what happens |
(or How to Speak “Christianese”)
Sin - There are two Greek words that are used to convey the concept of sin. The first word (hamartia) means to “miss the mark.” That is, to fail to live up to, or comply with, the standard God has set for human behavior and thought. The second word, not as common but still helpful to our understanding, is trespass (paraptoma). To trespass is to “cross the line” or “misstep.” This implies a willful rebellion against God’s stated boundaries. Think of it like this- I sin when I do not do what God has said to do (hamartia) or when I do what God has said not to do (paraptoma). In either case, I have offended God’s standard of righteousness and holiness and am subject to His discipline. It is only through faith in Jesus that my sins can be forgiven and His judgment averted
Please keep our high school and college students in your prayers right now as they complete projects and take final exams. Pray that they stay focused on their studies and have a strong finish to their academic year. |
Family Bible Night’s children’s class is taking a break. There will be no classes for kids on May, 22, 29 or June 5. However, adult and youth classes will continue to meet on those dates. FBN is on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15. Come and find out what’s happening!
Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14)
Green Valley’s Elders (Pastor Scott, Willie Jew, Dominic Piccolo, Dietrich Gage & Mike Nicholson) are here to pray for you. Please be sure to let them know your prayer needs. You can use the tear-off tab on this bulletin or give one of them a call. Their phone numbers are on the back of this bulletin. Your prayer needs are always kept in the strictest confidence.
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